3-7 November 2024

The Earthshot Prize Youth Programme: Africa

A climate leadership platform for young African leaders

Key information

Who's it for?

Young professionals and students aged 18-35, across Africa


5 Days in person in Cape Town


All programme costs including meals, local transport to programme venues and accommodation are covered. If you are not residing in Cape Town, internal return flights within Africa are also included.




3-7 November 2024

Proudly brought to you by


In the next few years, the stewardship of our planet will increasingly rest with you - the vibrant youth of today. Every decision we make now shapes the environmental legacy and opportunities for your generation. That's why it's crucial for emerging leaders like you to have the right knowledge, skills, and networks to influence the complex landscape of climate action.

Enter the The Earthshot Prize Youth Programme. This November, as The Earthshot Prize travels to the continent for the first time, we're committed to convening 100 amazing young people aged 18-35 from across Africa, who are eager and ready to drive change in climate action and sustainability. Here, you will learn critical skills like authentic leadership, storytelling and networking, - key tools that will empower you to communicate your ideas effectively and build strong professional relationships. These skills are essential whether you're igniting an entrepreneurial venture or advancing a professional career in sustainability.

Whether you're eyeing a career in green industries, have an inspiring story to tell*, or aiming to amplify your impact this programme is your platform to further your entrepreneurial spirit and advance your professional journey. We’re looking for future leaders who are passionate about repairing and restoring our planet to build a better world for ourselves and our communities.

Immersing you directly with Earthshot Week activities, it's more than just a learning experience - it's your entry into a community of young visionaries eager to forge a sustainable path forward.

*We are open to those who tell their stories via social media, visual arts, podcasts, fiction, journalism, film, photography, and any other kind of media. If you are passionate about using your perspective and platform to share stories of incredible work being done to fight climate change, we want to hear from you.

Our approach

How it works


Day 0: Arrival and Networking: Begin with an inspiring evening of networking and a panel discussion that introduces the programme’s key themes and set the stage for the week.

Day 1: Self-Discovery and Immersive Learning: After your official welcome to Earthshot Week, you will dive into self-discovery, aligning your personal mission with impactful change. Witness real-world sustainability initiatives and conclude the day with a welcoming reception.

Day 2: Leadership and Reflection: Explore your potential in environmental leadership through insightful sessions, envisioning sustainable impacts and connecting with peers. You will experience impactful conversations through Earthshot Week programming, before given the opportunity to consider your role as a future planetary guardian.

Day 3: Storytelling for Impact: You’ll experience a series of interactive hands-on storytelling workshops across content creation, spotlighting your story and practical skills. In the evening, you’ll have the unique opportunity to attend The Earthshot Prize 2024 Awards Ceremony where you will walk the green carpet and watch the announcement of the 2024 Winners.

Day 4: Career Paths and Network Building: Explore career opportunities in green industries, enhance your networking skills through discussions with Global Alumni, and develop a personal action plan during our “Making it stick” session. Cap off the week at the official Closing Jol of Earthshot Week 2024.

What is The Earthshot Prize?

The Earthshot Prize was launched by Prince William in 2020 to search for and scale the most innovative solutions to the world’s greatest environmental challenges. Our challenge to the world is based on five Earthshots – simple but ambitious and universal goals for 2030 developed in collaboration with leading environmental experts. They are Protect and Restore Nature; Clean our Air; Revive our Oceans; Build a Waste-Free World; and Fix our Climate. Every year over the course of this critical decade, five Winners with the best chance of helping to achieve our Earthshots will be awarded £1 million each to scale their solutions.

This November, we are bringing our annual celebration to Cape Town, South Africa for the first time! Taking place across four days of landmark events, Earthshot Week 2024 will spotlight groundbreaking environmental solutions and bring together world-leading individuals to drive forward the restoration and protection of our planet.

Protect & Restore Nature

Clean Our Air

Revive Our Oceans

Build a Waste-free World

Fix Our Climate

Programme outcomes

What's in it for me?

Enhance Key Skills for Impactful Change

Engage in targeted workshops designed to equip you with essential skills like storytelling for impact, effective questioning, network building, facilitation, and creative problem-solving - ideal for those looking to apply transformative strategies within their organizations or entrepreneurial ventures in sustainability, transforming motivation into actionable change-making strategies.

Connect with Leading Experts and Expand Your Network

Gain unparalleled access to industry experts and environmental pioneers. This connection provides a unique opportunity to learn from those at the forefront of sustainability and widen your professional circle within the climate action community.

Insider’s Look into the Environmental Sector

Gain a behind-the-scenes perspective on the essential skills and real-world demands of the sustainability industry. Through masterclasses, immersive learning sessions, and direct engagement with professionals, discover what it truly takes to make an impact and carve out a career in this vital field.

Build Your Community

Engage with a dynamic network of like-minded peers who are equally passionate about climate action. The programme is designed to foster a supportive community that thrives on shared commitment and collaborative effort towards a sustainable future.

Exclusive Access to the Earthshot Prize Awards

Participate in various Earthshot Prize activities throughout the week, culminating in the opportunity to attend the prestigious Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony on November 6. This experience not only celebrates global environmental achievements but also inspires your ongoing efforts in sustainability.

The experience

An experience like no other...

Ready to unlock the secrets of making a real impact in environmental sustainability? The Earthshot Prize Youth Programme in Cape Town is your gateway to discovering the core of climate action. This isn’t just any event; it’s a deep dive into the mechanisms that drive successful environmental initiatives and a chance to see how you can be a part of the change.

Throughout this immersive week, you'll dive deep into the mechanics of successful sustainability initiatives, attending The Earthshot Prize Awards and engaging in workshops that pull back the curtain on the sector’s best practices. Each session is structured to provide both inspiration and practical skills, ensuring you leave equipped to make a difference in the field.

You'll have the chance to connect with established leaders and fellow aspiring environmentalists, creating a supportive network that enhances your learning. This programme is crafted for young individuals eager to understand the nuances of environmental leadership and innovation.

Join us for a week that promises intensive learning, personal growth, and a clear pathway into the world of climate action. Get ready to gain invaluable insights, forge lasting connections, and prepare to be an effective part of the next wave of environmental changemakers.

A group of young people in conversation standing around a table
A group of young people posing for a photo indoors
A group of young people standing around a table

Next steps

Are you ready?

Unlock your potential in the environmental sector. Apply today and take the first step towards impactful leadership and innovation!


Ready to apply?

All programme costs including meals, local transport to programme venues and accommodation are covered. If you are not residing in Cape Town, internal return flights within Africa are also included.

Criteria for selection:

  • A demonstrable champion of eco-innovation, with a clear desire and dedication to take discernible action towards climate change and environmental issues.
  • To have displayed a strong commitment for learning and leadership.
  • To have an interest or passion in using your perspective or social platform to share stories of incredible work being done to fight climate change.
  • For students, an above average academic standing, and a demonstrable track record of working in teams on outcomes-based projects over a significant period of time.
  • A willingness to room share with another candidate during their stay in Cape Town during the programme.
  • Youth between the age of 18-35 who are based in Africa.
  • While all programme costs including flights, meals, local transport, and accommodation are covered for 4 nights, any additional expenses will need to be covered by participants.

We aim to make our programmes accessible to all, including for those who have a disability or face significant challenges due to health, well-being or personal circumstances. Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements that we should be aware of to allow you to fully participate in the programme.

For more information:​ Download the programme flyer which has more information and FAQs.

Application deadline: 29 September 2024

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if you have any further questions or would just like to discuss the programme in more detail, please reach out to a member of our team in your specific location who would be delighted to help.

Get in touch

We are a global not-for-profit leadership development organization on a mission to develop people who can cross cultural, social, and institutional boundaries. We work passionately with people to help push the boundaries of what is possible, all so that they can become those who can help us to work better together, be the connectors of our unique lived experiences and lead, with a difference.

Yes! The Common Purpose Charitable Trust was established as a charity in 1989. It is registered with the Charity Commission under the Registered Charity number 1023384.

The benefits of Common Purpose leadership programmes include gaining increased:  

  • Agility in adapting to changing circumstances and environments.  

  • Empathy to what other people feel, think and need. Seeing things from their point of view.

  • Influence in leading change with limited decision-making power.  

  • Openness to new ideas, possibilities and perspectives, including views they might deeply disagree with.    

  • Purposefulness in leading with intentionality, determination, commitment and resilience.

  • Self-awareness to their behaviours and outlook, and how they interpret and respond to situations.

When it comes to learning, there is no substitute for the power of real experience and fresh perspective. Our approach uses a robust behaviour and mindset change philosophy rooted in real life leadership challenges and experiences. To turn those experiences into real learning we follow five tried and tested steps that lead to habitual change in how people think, feel and act.    

  1. Experience: Being presented with new experiences. Engaging with leaders across multiple boundaries and being immersed in new environments.   

  1. Reflection: Learning activities to gain a deeper and more personalized understanding of the learning.    

  1. Translate: Exploring how to relate new ideas and thought processes back into the learner’s role or context.

  1. Practice: Developing a set of leadership practices that can be used to turn new behaviours into habits.

  1. Assess: Embedding numerous assessments to help learners track their progress pre, during and even beyond the programme.

Experiential learning is a core component of our programmes.

Our programmes create a carefully constructed microclimate to explore real-life leadership challenges in a safe environment, often leading to the types of purpose-driven conversations needed to achieve transformative change.

We also focus on the importance of active learning, by getting people out of their comfort zones and into the world, seeing things, meeting people, taking part, and taking advantage of processes that stimulate multiple neural connections in the brain and promote memory.