Kickstart your future

Kickstart your future

Let us help you develop the skills and mindset needed to help you thrive in your future career

The challenge

Young people are faced with big challenges when it comes to establishing their careers. Trying to stand out from the crowd and showcase your skills can be tough, especially when everyone is trying to do the same thing!

Our tailored programmes deliver an immersive experience that will give you valuable, distinctive skills to take into the early phases of your career, and beyond. From learning to bridge divides across cultures to connecting with other generations in order to work better, together - you will walk away with a clearer vision of what your impact could be, now and in the future.

We help young leaders

Develop skills and mindsets to thrive in the workplace

Build confidence and purpose

Experience real world challenges – and how to tackle them

Our programmes

Level up your leadership



Challenging young people to explore the legacy they can leave on the world.

Who is this for?

Young people (18-25 years)

Which programme is right for you?

Get in touch

How can we help?

Get in touch with one of our learning experts to discuss your development goals.


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We are Common Purpose

A global not-for-profit devoted to good leadership

  • We deliver unforgettable and transformative learning experiences
  • Programmes for people at all levels of their careers
  • Gain the confidence, skills and mindset to be a purposeful change agent, with a difference

Who we are
Quote mark graphic
Sam Brennan
Student, University of Glasgow
"Common Purpose has started a new form of confidence that I, prior to the course, lacked. I normally shy away from speaking in public, so by doing the programme I have started to effectively overcome this."
Dang Quang
Student, RMIT University
"The event has been really thought provoking. Thanks to the many incredible speakers I have gained a better insight on my journey to identify myself, and my leadership weakness and strength."
Toni Henderson
Assistant Director, Development and Alumni Relations, University of Bristol
"This course has given me an invaluable boost in my confidence as a leader and reassured me that my own humble, authentic and caring approach to leadership is a strength and something that I can be proud of. It has given me confidence and self belief that is coming through in my every day behaviour and leadership style."


feel the skills developed through our programmes are valued by employers


are more confident to have an impact in the world


said their learnings helped them progress in their careers

Our approach

Leadership development - with a difference


Bringing the outside world to you

When it comes to developing people, there’s no substitute for the power of real, raw experience and fresh perspectives. Our convening power enables us to create genuinely diverse immersive leadership experiences with real people and real-life scenarios from across a spectrum of society, delivered in ways that are both challenging and inspiring.

Experiential learning

Our programmes create a carefully constructed microclimate to explore real-life leadership challenges in a safe environment, often leading to the types of purpose-driven conversations needed to achieve transformative change. 

We also focus on the importance of active learning by getting you out of your comfort zone and into the world, seeing things, meeting people, taking part, and taking advantage of processes that stimulate multiple neural connections in the brain and promote memory.

The Common Purpose change process

We follow five tried and tested steps that lead to habitual change in how people think, feel and act.   

  1. Experience: The foundation of, and stimulus for, learning. Being presented with new experiences. Engaging with leaders from across multiple boundaries and being immersed in new environments.
  2. Reflection: Finding relevant meaning. Learning activities to gain a deeper and more personalized understanding of your experience.
  3. Translate: Drawing conclusions. Exploring how to relate new ideas and thought processes back into your role or context.
  4. Practice: Testing your learning. Developing a set of leadership practices that you can use to turn new behaviours into habits.
  5. Assess: Finding the desired outcome. Embedding numerous assessment modalities to help you track your progress pre, during and even beyond the programme back at work. 

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if you have any further questions or would just like to discuss the programme in more detail, please reach out to a member of our team in your specific location who would be delighted to help.

Get in touch

We are a global not-for-profit leadership development organization on a mission to develop people who can cross cultural, social, and institutional boundaries. We work passionately with people to help push the boundaries of what is possible, all so that they can become those who can help us to work better together, be the connectors of our unique lived experiences and lead, with a difference.

Yes! The Common Purpose Charitable Trust was established as a charity in 1989. It is registered with the Charity Commission under the Registered Charity number 1023384.

The benefits of Common Purpose leadership programmes include gaining increased:  

  • Agility in adapting to changing circumstances and environments.  

  • Empathy to what other people feel, think and need. Seeing things from their point of view.

  • Influence in leading change with limited decision-making power.  

  • Openness to new ideas, possibilities and perspectives, including views they might deeply disagree with.    

  • Purposefulness in leading with intentionality, determination, commitment and resilience.

  • Self-awareness to their behaviours and outlook, and how they interpret and respond to situations.

When it comes to learning, there is no substitute for the power of real experience and fresh perspective. Our approach uses a robust behaviour and mindset change philosophy rooted in real life leadership challenges and experiences. To turn those experiences into real learning we follow five tried and tested steps that lead to habitual change in how people think, feel and act.    

  1. Experience: Being presented with new experiences. Engaging with leaders across multiple boundaries and being immersed in new environments.   

  1. Reflection: Learning activities to gain a deeper and more personalized understanding of the learning.    

  1. Translate: Exploring how to relate new ideas and thought processes back into the learner’s role or context.

  1. Practice: Developing a set of leadership practices that can be used to turn new behaviours into habits.

  1. Assess: Embedding numerous assessments to help learners track their progress pre, during and even beyond the programme.

Experiential learning is a core component of our programmes.

Our programmes create a carefully constructed microclimate to explore real-life leadership challenges in a safe environment, often leading to the types of purpose-driven conversations needed to achieve transformative change.

We also focus on the importance of active learning, by getting people out of their comfort zones and into the world, seeing things, meeting people, taking part, and taking advantage of processes that stimulate multiple neural connections in the brain and promote memory.